November 11, 2011

Last Days

Exactly three weeks from today I will step on a plane bound for America; my year serving in South Sudan will be finished.  I have mixed feelings about this but every day I'm becoming more and more excited to go home.  To wit, some of the things I've missed about America, and a few that I'm not particularly looking forward to.

Yes, please:
- Family and friends. Duh.
- Cheese, specifically mozzarella
- Temperature-controlled buildings
- Being able to buy anything I want, any time I want (within reason, of course)
- Cheese, specifically cotswold
- Clothes washed by machine that don't constantly smell musty
- Paved roads
- Buying meat from the freezer section of the grocery, instead of a shack by the side the road where it's been sitting in the sun for 2 days
- Consistent, reliable internet service
- Cheese, specifically pecorino
- Postal / mailing / shipping services
- Fresh milk in my coffee
- Hot showers that last longer than seven minutes
- Good customer service
- Cheese, specifically brie
- A majority population that speaks my language
- Perfectly made things
- Wide-spread knowledge about hygeine and contagious diseases
- Garbage services
- Salad
- Have I mentioned dairy products?

No, thanks:
- the issue of parking, always
- always spending money, all the time, everywhere you go
- the bombardment of advertisements - buses, taxis, billboards, t.v., internet, at the grocery store, at stoplights where people wear costumes and toss signs in the air about discount mattresses
- the sexualization of everything
- traffic

See you soon...


JandJ said...

Miss you so much! Can't wait to see you and eat cheese together! Queso and guac at Rio?!?!

Molly said...

Cheese... one of the bajillion reasons why I know the Lord planned for us to be best friends. Love you Murr and I cannot wait to hug you!

Kelly said...

Cannot wait! So excited to see you. And have some cheese!

rodgwood said...

Looking forward to your return and hearing you share your story with MABC. If it's not too "cheesy," how about some photos of the things you are going to miss the most at Harvester's?
Still praying for you, Mary...

Nikki said...

Mary. I will keep you in my prayers during these last few weeks, preparing to go home - traveling home - and weeks to follow being home. It was so nice to meet you!! God bless <3